LeBron James Looks Ready to Fight in ‘Space Jam: A New Legacy’

ArticlesBrandon MarcusComment

If there’s one thing you can say about LA Lakers superstar LeBron James, it’s that he is a competitor through-and-through. When LeBron puts on his game face, he transforms into a beast of a man, someone who will go toe-to-toe against anyone or anything in an attempt to win.

Bron gives off a pretty intense vibe when he’s in that sort of headspace, no matter if he’s playing for the Lakers, the Cavs…or the Tune Squad.

That’s the team King James will be representing soon in Space Jam: A New Legacy. The long-awaited (?) sequel, directed by Malcolm D. Lee, is set to debut July 2021 and we haven’t seen much of anything from it yet, except that fancy logo posted above.

But now we know what LeBron — and one assumes Bugs Bunny’s — jerseys will look like. The NBA superstar took to his personal charity’s Twitter feed to give us our first glimpse of the outfit he’ll be donning for the movie. It’s quite something. Behold:

You know what? I like it. It’s very different from the jerseys that Michael Jordan and his cartoon buddies wore in the first Space Jam but I really like the color here and the way the top blends seamlessly into the shorts. Now, is LeBron’s mean mug really necessary when he’s starring in a movie full of animated characters? Maybe not but, like I said, the dude just goes hard.

Of all the movies set to debut next year, Space Jam: A New Legacy is near the top of my most-see list. It’s not because I am a die-hard Lakers fan (I am) but it’s because I am curious to see how Lee, LeBron and the rest of the team create a Looney Tunes movie for 2021. Modern audiences don’t really care about Bugs and the gang so how will A New Legacy make these iconic toons important again? And what other tricks will the movie have up its sleeve? Will LeBron only play with Looney Tunes favorites or will other Warner Bros properties make their way into the movie? A lot has changed since the first Space Jam hit theaters back in the 90s and I expect we could see a very different sequel next year.

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