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‘The War with Grandpa’ Trailer: Robert De Niro Gets a Paycheck

2019 gave us The Irishman, a film that reminded us that Robert De Niro is a powerhouse of performing, one of the greatest actors of all time and is truly a national treasure.

2020 gives us The War with Grandpa, which reminds us that…well, everyone’s human.

The film — starring De Niro, Oakes Fegley, Uma Thurman, Christopher Walken and Jane Seymour — is about a young man (that would be Fegley) doing battle with his grandpa (that would be De Niro) over his bedroom. There’s a strong Home Alone vibe I get from this trailer, which isn’t actually unwelcome because Home Alone is fantastic.


Honestly, this doesn’t look that bad. It certainly isn’t for me but it doesn’t appear as awful as, say, Dirty Grandpa. It’s got a few laugh (Walken saying “semper fi” got a chuckle out of me) and seems charming and kind of cute. In fact, this might just be the cup of tea for families dying to go back to movie theaters when The War with Grandpa opens in October.

Bottom line: Robert De Niro is still a legend, one of the greatest ever. The War with Grandpa might not be but, for De Niro, we will give it a pass.