‘The Snyder Cut’ Won’t Be So Red

ArticlesBrandon MarcusComment

There were a lot of problems with Justice League (so many. So, so, so many) but one of the largest issues I had with the film was just how ugly it was. Don’t get me wrong, some of the film looked great (I particularly like Snyder’s Gotham at the opening of the film) but a lot of it looked like some sort of gross Ridley Scott knock-off. And this was DC’s most colorful film!

Now that Zack Snyder is officially working on his cut of the film, we can expect to see some changes when the final product rolls around sometime in 2021. One of the changes confirmed by Snyder himself on Vero (it’s the only social media he is really into. Don’t ask) is in regards to the unattractive red sky that was a major part of the last act of Justice League. For those who don’t remember, this is what the final battle in JL looked like:

Yuck. It’s like the entire sequence was filmed with Campbell’s Tomato Soup smeared across the camera.

Well, Snyder says that he will most definitely be tinkering with the look of that final act and it sounds like things won’t be as red when The Snyder Cut debuts. Here’s the filmmaker responding to a fan on Vero:

I don’t know why this little detail gives me so much hope but it does because it shows just how precise Snyder is getting with his edit of the film. He’s not just changing the major things but he’s getting into the nitty-gritty details that have been bothering him (and others) for awhile. This really will be a far-reaching and extensive director’s cut.

This also makes me happy because Justice League was a film ruined by a million little errors. There was some good in there but there were so many stupid little details and choices that just added up to a crappy, lackluster experience. I believe that if a lot of these small issues are adjusted, we could have a movie that’s actually worthy of the characters in it.

Justice League: The Snyder Cut will hit HBO Max sometime next year.

Source: /Film

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