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‘Dune’ Trailer Teaser Reminds You of its Incredible Cast

The first trailer for Denis Villeneuve‘s adaptation of Dune drops tomorrow but today we got the “trailer teaser”, essentially a sneak peek of the full trailer. Look, I am bummed that studios make these mini-trailers so often now but that’s just the way of the world! And, honestly, I kind of like them so I guess I can’t complain too much.

Dune’s trailer teaser doesn’t show much but you do hear some dialogue from the film and you see just how amazing the cast is. Villeneuve has assembled one of the best ensembles ever. These actors working with this director, adapting this book? How could you not be totally on board?

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Truth be told, I’ve never read all of Dune. Herbert’s book, while definitely a classic, has always felt so clinical and cold to me. It’s been really hard to dive into. But I understand the concept, the scope, the themes and I see why the book has stood the test of time. I am hopeful that Villeneuve’s film gives me much more humanity and allows me to finally appreciate this story. I am legitimately excited for this film. Denis Villeneuve making science fiction is always a cause for celebration. Hell, Denis Villeneuve making any type of movie is always a cause for celebration.

There is a lot riding on Dune. Even in a regular year, it could be one of the biggest films of the year. But this year, with COVID-19 disrupting Hollywood’s release schedule, Dune could end up being a bright light in a year of darkness. However, it could also be delayed. The film is scheduled to debut in December but there is a chance it gets pushed to the summer when things are once again a bit more normal.

Regardless, the trailer will be released tomorrow. Stay tuned.