Frame Work: Black Widow

Articles, Pop CultureJohn BernhardComment

This week on the podcast, we’re talking about Marvel’s return to the cinemas, Black Widow! Is this one about anything, or simply business as usual? Does this movie excuse Natasha’s life of assassinations, or is it presenting a backstory consistent with who’s she’s always been? Does Hawkeye suck, or is he just ugly? How many secret societies are running the world in the MCU? What’s up with all the physical damage Natasha shakes off in this film? We also return to Loki, to discuss its final two episodes and what they mean for the larger franchise going forward. Will we ever be free of Marvel’s stranglehold? Not anytime soon, it seems! Join us in thrall.

If you’d like to hear older episodes, talking about other superhero things, and classier stuff too, you can find us on the podcast app of your choice. Just look for the image below!


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