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You may have noticed an uptick, recently, in people reminiscing fondly about Community on social media for the last month. The full series just showed up on Netflix, and we’ve all got time on our hands. Anyhow, you weren’t the only one. Per Variety, The entire original cast will be reuniting (except one. Guess which!) for a livestream event on Monday, May 18th, on the Community Youtube page. They’ll be performing a live reading of Episode 4 from the fifth season, ‘Cooperative Polygraphy”, which is the episode with Walton Goggins. 

Don’t get your hopes up for Goggins, he is not available for this project. But everyone else is, including Donald Glover. Additionally, Dan Harmon will be present, so I bet he’s playing the Goggins character. This episode is about the reading of Pierce’s will, an episode that requires no Chevy Chase, so yeah, he’s the one who’s not participating. But I believe this also means no need for Jonathan Banks, which would have been something to see. And if this isn’t testing the waters, both with audience affection for the series and with Glover, for a potential Netflix movie, someone’s asleep at the switch.