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Peak 2020: New ‘Tenet’ Trailer Will Debut in ‘Fortnite’

The new trailer for Christopher Nolan’s Tenet will premiere tonight in the video game Fortnite. That’s it, that’s the article.

I wish I had more to report here but that’s really the whole story. The hotly-anticipated preview for Nolan’s new time-bendy thriller will air tonight at 8 PM ET in something called Fortnite’s Party Royale mode. The trailer will then play again at the top of every hour. I would assume that eventually it’ll make its way to YouTube for us poor schlubs who don’t play Fortnite but who knows? Maybe the trailer will first drop into the new Call of Duty or perhaps it’ll stop by my island on Animal Crossing.

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Look, I get it. I really do. By placing the trailer in Fortnite, WB is reaching a whole shit ton of people. Make fun of it all you want but a lot of people play Fortnite. This will capture millions of viewers. It also gets people talking about the movie even more because of the novel mode of advertising. And, yes, it’s silly to debut a trailer in a video game but it’ll obviously make its way to YouTube shortly thereafter. Basically I am saying I should just stop acting like an out-of-touch old man.

I do chuckle at the thought of Chris Nolan logging into Fortnite to watch the trailer. I can totally picture his little virtual avatar doing that silly Fornite flossing dance after the trailer plays.