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Luca Guadagnino Will Direct A New ‘Scarface’

It’s not surprising that Universal is attempting to make a new Scarface. The story has been told multiple times and the plot (immigrant makes it big in America by becoming a crime lord) is still fresh, engaging and ready for a modern spin.

It is kind of surprising, however, that Universal has tapped Luca Guadagnino to direct the feature. Guadagnino isn’t the first name you think of when you hear “crime drama.” But he is a damn fine talented filmmaker so his attachment to the project is nothing but exciting.

Variety says Guadagnino will direct the new Scarface, with a script from none other than Joel and Ethan Coen. Guadagnino directing a Coen Brothers script sounds too good to be true and immediately makes my little film fan heart go pitter-patter.

Variety also goes on to report that this new Scarface will take place in Los Angeles. No other information about the plot is available but I would guess there will be violence and probably some drugs. Maybe just a little bit.

Guadagnino’s career has spun off in some surprising directions since Call Me By Your Name. He took on the Surpiria remake, which was unexpected. Recently he signed on to remake Lord of the Flies for Warner Bros. He is also developing a Call Me By Your Name remake, Find Me. The dude is doing lots of big, eclectic things. He is taking a unique path and that’s really commendable and, honestly, not something you always see from filmmakers of his caliber.

Scarface stands a chance to be a big hit for Universal and Guadagnino. Uni has been trying to get the project off the ground for awhile, since 2011. They’ve now got an acclaimed director leading the movie, I wonder who they will sign to star.