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Netflix’s ‘The Midnight Gospel’ Looks Like A Literal Trip

Pendleton Ward, the force behind Adventure Time, has a new animated show set to be released this month. But this one isn’t for kids. Oh no, this is most certainly not a children’s show. In fact, your burnt-out uncle who still rambles on about the power of the 1960s would probably like this show more than any child would.

The series, The Midnight Gospel, is an animated adventure that heavily (and I mean heavily) leans into the surreal tendencies of Ward. The first trailer, below, makes no attempt to hide its out-there nature. There are melting faces and morphing characters, bizarre talking creatures and a lot of flying through space. This feels like The Yellow Submarine on a bender.

And, honestly, it looks great. While the show may appeal to a specific group of folks who enjoy partaking in…certain activities, I think The Midnight Gospel will be enjoyed by a whole lot people: fans of Adventure Time, animation aficionados, people who enjoyed Heavy Metal and other more mature cartoons. I just think a lot of this will be lost on kids and, you know what, that is probably for the best. Not every animated show needs to be made for the kiddos.

The Midnight Gospel will be debuting on…April 20. That’s cute, Netflix. Know your audience.