Netflix’s ‘Into The Night’ Features One Hell of a Red Eye Flight

Articles, Pop CultureBrandon MarcusComment

The trailer above is for the new Netflix series Into The Night, an apocalyptic drama from Belgium that is set to premiere on May 1.

With Into The Night, the end of the world doesn’t come from plague or asteroid or aliens. No, instead doomsday is caused by a solar event from the sun, which starts killing everyone in the daylight. The story revolves around a group of passengers on an overnight flight out of Brussels who are desperately trying to stay one step ahead of the dawn. That doesn’t sound fun. On the plus side, they are probably racking up a whole bunch of frequent flier miles.

The show looks predictably intense and not just because of the creeping doom of the sun rising. In true apocalyptic fashion, the passengers need not only survive the sun but also each other. The end of the world has a way of making people act nutty and Into The Night will likely explore that angle of the apocalypse too. 

Do you think people will want to watch such a dark (get it?) and heavy show in the midst of a global pandemic that feels a bit like the end of times? Netflix sure thinks so. Though the subject matter may be hitting a little to close to home, I think Into The Night could find an audience. It’s always a relief to see characters who have it worse than we do.

Plus, it’ll also be nice to see the inside of a plane again.

Into the Night begins with a sudden solar event, as the sun inexplicably starts killing everything in its path. The show centers around the "lucky" passengers and crew of an overnight flight out of Brussels, as they attempt to fly west — into the safety of the dark night. The plane's manifest is multinational and multilingual, with passengers, rich and poor, young and old, civilian and military. The seemingly ordinary travelers share but one thing: A desire to survive the sun — and each other — by any means necessary.


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