AMC Theatres Is Staying Safe And Waiting For ‘Tenet’

Real Life, Articles, Pop CultureBrandon MarcusComment

Unlike certain protestors, governors and presidents (don’t inject yourself with Clorox, gang) AMC is actually taking safety seriously. 

America’s largest theater chain isn’t abiding by new rules that allow certain business to open again, despite the growing number of COVID-19 cases in the United States. States like Georgia and others are starting to ease restrictions put in place to keep people safe, all in the hopes of saving the drowning economy. So theoretically AMC could be re-opening certain theaters this weekend. But they say that isn’t happening. In fact they state that they won’t be re-opening any locations until Hollywood has new movies to show. Ease the rules all you want, Georgia. You won’t be doing so in an AMC theater. 

Here’s what AMC had to say:

"As we plan our reopening, the health and safety of our guests and associates is our absolute highest priority. To be able to open, we also need a line of sight into a regular schedule of new theatrical blockbusters that get people truly excited about returning to their favorite movie theaters. Those blockbusters are scheduled to return this summer, beginning with Warner Brothers’ Tenet and Disney’s Mulan, with many more major titles scheduled immediately thereafter."

So no matter what, AMC won’t be relaunching theaters again until Christopher Nolan’s Tenet is right around the corner. AMC did confirm that they will open their doors a few weeks before Tenet in order to screen “immensely popular previously released films.” The idea of screening classic and popular films to bring in customers is a brilliant idea, one that should prove both profitable and cathartic for a nation reeling from the coronavirus crisis. Wouldn’t it be amazing to see some of your old favorites on the big screen before indulging in Christopher Nolan’s latest?

This is smart — and safe — business from AMC. It is encouraging to see. Of course, if the pandemic doesn’t slow down by July 17, the proposed release date for Tenet, then these plans will obviously change. Honestly, I wouldn’t hold my breath. But it is good to know that AMC is thinking ahead and starting to make plans on how to safely bring the theater business back to life. I really hope this pans out. A massive spy thriller from Nolan — a man who has consistently championed the movie-going experience — just feels like the perfect first movie to watch in theaters when normalcy starts to return.

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