Is Sacha Baron Cohen Aiming to Take Down Mark Zuckerberg?

Articles, Real LifeBrandon MarcusComment

The world breathed a major, major, major (MAJOR) sigh of relief this week when President Donald Trump lost his re-election bid to former Vice President Joe Biden. For months now, many had assumed that Trump was going to lose. The polls were never in his favor, he was constantly making a fool of himself and his response to the coronavirus pandemic has been downright criminal. Still, the ghost of 2016 lingered and we all feared that maybe, just maybe, Trump could pull out another unexpected win and doom us to four more years of dread and darkness.

But, nope, Americans came through and Trump will officially be out of the White House on January 20, 2021. People are ecstatic, including Borat mastermind Sacha Baron Cohen. Baron Cohen has been on a roll lately with his star turns in The Trial of the Chicago 7 and his Borat sequel. The latter film featured a lot of political commentary, much of it aimed at Trump. Baron Cohen has made his disdain for Trump no secret, repeatedly repudiating him publicly and taking glee in his downfall. And now a tweet from the star has some wondering if Baron Cohen will set his sights on Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg now that Trump has been taken down.

The tweet featured a picture of Trump and Zuckerberg in the Oval Office with the caption “One down. One to go.”

Before we move on, can we take a moment to comment on Trump’s posture? Christ, look at the hump on that man. He looks like a damn camel. Stand up straight, Donald!

Anyway, the tweet has started speculation that Baron Cohen is going to somehow make his next project about Zuckerberg or a Zuckberg-esque character. That wouldn’t be a huge surprise since the comedian has publicly commented on the propaganda and hate speech that runs rampant on Facebook. He has repeatedly called for the social media site to reign in the ugly forces of hatred and has specifically pointed a finger at Zuckerberg for doing little-to-nothing to stop the spread of social media bile. So Baron Cohen is not a fan of the Zuck and, as we all know, he loves to satirize that which he does not like. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that whatever Baron Cohen does next will have something to do with Facebook, Zuckerberg or social media.

Or, hell, maybe he is just venting and calling on people to rise up and hold Zuckerberg responsible for his lack of effort. Who knows? But don’t be surprised if Sacha Baron Cohen next aims his satirical scope at Silicon Valley’s most popular man child.

Hat tip to Uproxx for the heads up.

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