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The QT Question: Death Proof

This time on the QT Question, our deep dive into the films of Quentin Tarantino brings us to Death Proof, his oft-maligned attempt to revive the grindhouse exploitation film experience. Commonly cited as Tarantino’s worst film, often by Tarantino himself, Schwartz and myself really get into whether or not that reputation is deserved or not. We don’t fully agree. Topics of conversation include Slasher films, the appeal of overwritten dialogue, whether or not this is in the conversation for all-time best Kurt Russell performances, and some in depth consideration of the environment this film was released in, and where Quentin’s head might have been at the time regarding Uma Thurman, Weinstein, and his own legacy!

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Death Proof

Next time, we’ll be talking about Inglorious Basterds. Looking forward to it!