The QT Question: Inglorious Basterds

Articles, Pop CultureJohn BernhardComment

On this episode of The QT Question, Schwartz and I take a look at the oft-celebrated Inglorious Basterds. We were a little concerned going into this one, in that there was every chance this could turn into a love fest, and that is pretty much what happened! But then, how could you not? Topics of conversation include Cristoph Waltz’s all-timer Nazi villain, the film’s crazy ‘five interrogations’ structure, what is achieved through Brad Pitt’s accent, other cinematic Nazis Tarantino may have taken his cues from, the ability of Mike Myers to disappear into a role, and lots more besides.

Additionally, we’d like to announce the birth of our official podcast, Frame Work. This show can be found on the Podcast app now as well, where you can handily download all previous episodes of the QT Question right to your phone. As we wind down the Tarantino conversations, we’ve got some exciting new ideas about what’s next, so join us, subscribe, and look for Django Unchained, coming up next!

This is our artwork, courtesy of Joon Kim! Look for it on the Podcast App.

This is our artwork, courtesy of Joon Kim! Look for it on the Podcast App.

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