‘Lucy In The Sky’ Trailer: Natalie Portman Gets Lost In Space

Brandon MarcusComment

Here’s one to watch. Fox Searchlight just released a new trailer for Noah Hawley’s Lucy in the Sky starring Natalie Portman. The trailer is fantastic and should immediately rocket Lucy to the near-top of your must-see list. Natalie Portman! Jon Hamm! Space madness! How could you NOT be excited?

The movie follows the titular Lucy, an astronaut who returns from space to find that life seems small and insignificant on this little blue planet we call home. She then starts to lose her grip on life and begins spiraling, all the while fighting to return to outer space. The trailer is only a couple minutes long but even in that short time we see quite the progression of Lucy’s instability.

Hawley has been consistently putting out great work on the small screen (Fargo, Legion) and it’s about damn time we see his talents projected in theaters. As for Portman, we shouldn’t be surprised that she seems to be in top-notch form here, the woman rarely has a mis-step. Plus it’s extra great to see Jon Hamm in a meaty role. Hamm deserves way more work than he gets, though it would be great to see him play someone who isn’t sleazy once.

Lucy in the Sky appears to be a psychological drama that will play with a lot, from aspect ratios to the reliability of the narrator. That sounds exactly like a Noah Hawley movie. Let’s hope Hawley and Portman deliver because, based on this trailer, my hopes are getting as high as the moon.

In LUCY IN THE SKY, Natalie Portman plays astronaut Lucy Cola, who returns to Earth after a transcendent experience during a mission to space – and begins to lose touch with reality in a world that now seems too small.

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