‘American Horror Story: 1984’ Trailer: This Season is Going to be Bloody (Good Fun)

Articles, Pop CultureBrandon MarcusComment

FX just released a full-length trailer for the newest season of American Horror Story. As we have reported before, American Horror Story: 1984 will be the show’s homage to the slasher films of the 1980s. Indeed, this trailer once again proves just how heavily influenced the show will be by Friday the 13th, Sleepaway Camp and the many other horror films that defined that decade.

The trailer looks like a lot of fun, with all the actors hamming it up and embracing the campy nature of the season. That being said, I don’t think this is going to be for everyone. It’s just TOO campy, TOO much of a parody/homage/tribute to 80s horror. That might feel redundant and downright silly to some viewers. But to many others, myself included, this will be a welcome change from the previous seasons of AHS. Yes, it might be silly and likely redundant too but it’ll be a lot of fun as well. I hope people go into this season with an open mind, proper expectations and aren’t expecting 1984 to reinvent the wheel. Maybe watch a few teen slashers from 30 years ago before starting this season, just to brush up on things.

Coming on the heelss of Stranger Things, It and other movies and shows that play on our nostalgia, American Horror Story: 1984 has a good chance to really strike a chord with viewers. It won’t contain the same mythology from previous seasons but it’ll bring something new and fun to the show. You can already tell that this season’s tone will be much lighter, despite all the blood. I’m ready for something different. I’m ready for something gory. I’m ready for something fun.

American Horror Story: 1984 debuts on FX on September 18th.


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