What the What?! Joel Coen is Directing A ‘Macbeth’ Film Starring Denzel Washington?

Articles, Pop CultureBrandon MarcusComment

Did you all know about this? Apparently Joel Coen is directing a Macbeth adaptation starring Denzel Washington, Frances McDormand, Brendan Gleeson and Corey Hawkins. Yes, I am talking about that Joel Coen and that Macbeth. Was this adaptation public knowledge and I just missed it or is this breaking news to all of us? I’m going to assume you all knew this information and have been keeping it from me and honestly, I don’t think I can ever forgive you.

Obviously I don’t have to tell you much about Macbeth since you likely had to read it or learn about it in high school but it will star Denzel as the lead, with McDormand playing his wife and Gleeson as King Duncan. Hawkins, who was just cast according to Collider, is playing an unspecified role. But with this cast, this director and this material, you can bet Hawkins won’t be the last big name attached. Can you imagine some regular Coen brothers performers in this thing? Stephen Root or John Goodman reciting Shakespeare? Be still, my beating heart.

The most surprising bit of news regarding Macbeth is that it will be Joel Coen’s first directorial venture without his brother and collaborator Ethan. These guys have won four Oscars and always work so well together so seeing Joel do this one solo at this point in his career definitely is something different. But I wouldn’t freak out and assume the brothers are on the outs, this is probably just something Joel wants to try by his lonesome. I am sure Ethan is nothing but supportive.

Well-made Shakespeare adaptations are always welcome and new work from either of the Coen brothers is always, always welcome so this whole project has us giddy with excitement. Sure, we know the characters and every beat of the plot but with this talented filmmaker and this amazing cast there is every reason to want to visit this story again.

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