‘Richard Jewell’ Poster Sure Does Look Like a Clint Eastwood Film

Articles, Pop CultureBrandon MarcusComment

The first trailer for Clint Eastwood’s upcoming Richard Jewell was pretty fantastic and impressive and way better than most Eastwood output these days. In fact it had us questioning if Eastwood had turned over a new leaf and was back to making movies that didn’t feel so stale, cold and by-the-book.

And now we have a poster for Richard Jewell and it looks exactly like an Eastwood film. You have the heavy saturation, the gray and black tone, the grainy texture that makes the movie look like old newspaper print. This is the Eastwood I know!

It doesn’t matter if the poster feels a bit boring and typical Eastwood, this movie is still one to watch. The story alone, obviously based on a true story, is enough to get us in the theater but the cast and writing talent and, yes, Eastwood’s involvement are all cause for interest. This is the first Clint Eastwood movie I have wanted to see in a long, long time and I hope and pray that he does it justice.

Plus, star Paul Walter Hauser really looks the part. It’s just uncanny isn’t it?

Richard Jewell opens on December 13th.

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