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‘The Stand’ Finally Receives Its 2020 Release Date

Ever since cameras started rolling, producers promised that the new CBS All Access adaptation of The Stand would air in 2020. It would be a huge television event to end the year, they promised! Nine episodes of dark Christianity and apocalyptic horror, they said. How exciting! 2020!

Well, then COVID-19 came along and some assumed the powers that be would push back the Stephen King epic because, honestly, who wants to watch a show about a killer virus decimating mankind when a real killer virus is trying its best to do just that? Showrunners kept a little quite but also stuck to that 2020 release date.

CBS All Access just announced the official premiere date for The Stand and it is in fact still in 2020 — but just barely. The streaming service will drop the first of nine episodes on December 17, 2020. The show will be released weekly, with a new installment debuting each Thursday. So while The Stand will start in 2020, it’ll end in 2021.

They also released the first promo art. I dig it. It feels like a good mix of Americana, mystery and dread.

I’m really glad the mini-series kept its 2020 release. I know COVID might make some a bit hesitant to watch the show but I think it’ll also make a lot of people more interested to dive in. There are a lot of themes and ideas that’ll prove sadly timely in this day and age. Besides, you’d hope that the coronavirus situation will be a bit more under control come December, allowing people to enjoy it free of stress and worry. Right?


You can read our coverage of The Stand here and here and here. Yeah, we are more than a bit excited for it.