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Noah Hawley’s ‘Star Trek’ Gets Lost in Space

With so much uncertainty in the world, we look to the loving, welcoming arms of Hollywood for some sense of stability. Alas, we are let down once again.

The next Star Trek film has been subject to much speculation for years now, ever since the last movie, Star Trek Beyond, ended up being something of a commercial dud. Paramount is eager to launch another installment in the franchise but they don’t know which way to go: Quentin Tarantino’s proposed R-rated adventure? Another edition with the original cast assembled by J.J. Abrams? How about that Star Trek movie that Noah Hawley (FargoLegion) was signed on to write and direct?

Well, it sounds like the Hawley idea is boldly going...nowhere.

THR says that Hawley’s Star Trek is on the “back burner.” Motion picture group president Emma Watts has decided to shift focus away from Hawley’s Trek onto other projects. The reason? Apparently the plot hasn’t helped Hawley’s cause. The movie was reportedly going to be about “a virus that wipes out vast parts of the known universe” and I don’t have to tell you that some studios may be squeamish about a plot like that given the current...everything.

But news of this film’s cancelation doesn’t mean it’s the end of the road for Hawley and Star Trek. Perhaps the writer/director will come up with something different for Trek, something that isn’t too similar to the real world. Or maybe he will just abandon Trek and get back to making that Doctor Doom movie he has been toying with for ages. I don’t think that’ll happen either because Marvel is looking to launch their own Fantastic Four franchise in a few years and they probably aren’t keen on Hawley complicating things with a movie about their greatest foe. 

Hey, that gives me an idea: why not let Hawley write and direct Fantastic FourStar Trek’s loss could be Marvel’s gain!