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Madonna is Directing a Movie About Madonna

We recently discussed news that Madonna and screenwriter Diablo Cody were working on…something. We didn’t know what it was but we were pretty sure it was a movie about Madonna. And you know what? Diablo Cody seems like a really good fit to write a movie about the Material Girl. But who would direct such a film? And who would star?

Well, we just received one of the answers.

Surprise! Madonna herself will direct the movie about her life, which is indeed being co-written by Cody and Madonna. Variety reports that the Queen of Pop has signed on to direct the untitled biopic for Universal. Madge released a statement with the news, which read “I want to convey the incredible journey that life has taken me on as an artist, a musician, a dancer — a human being, trying to make her way in this world.”

Biopics are big hits right now, especially musical ones. Madonna is one the biggest names in the game so a movie about her is a complete no brainer. The idea of Madonna directing a movie about Madonna is a little weird to me, personally. Does Madonna’s choice to direct mean the film will be a flattering and somewhat dishonest look at the singer’s life? Will it gloss over the more embarrassing moments of her career? Or will Madonna embrace her mistakes and make a movie that highlights everything she has been through? Will the movie talk about the box office disaster that was W.E.? Will it feature Vanilla Ice?

Cody’s involvement in the film is the most exciting part about this Madonna biopic. Cody has always been a crackerjack writer and she is obviously a big fan of Madonna so she will surely be inspired to write one hell of a script. Now let’s just see who Madonna casts as herself. Young blonde actresses of Hollywood, you better perfect your ability to roll around on the ground in a wedding dress!