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The QT Question: Finale

Too on point not to share

Last summer, Al Schwartz and I started a long conversation about the films of Quentin Tarantino, and posed the question: What, if anything, are these movies actually about? Now, eleven films later, we recorded one last conversation on the subject. We’re breaking down each and every film (in rank order, take that Nooj!), examining his strengths and weaknesses and weighing the cumulative effect of running his entire filmography. And we come to a definitive answer! Kind of.

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The QT Question: Finale

And at the very end, we announce the next director we’ll be taking a deep dive on in 2021. As always, you can listen to it here, or download it from the podcast app of you choice (our show is called Frame Work). Thanks for listening, and if you like what you hear, tell your friends!