Frame Work: What is an 'Adventure' movie?

Articles, Pop CultureJohn BernhardComment

This week on the program, Al indulges me with a nerdy deep dive into genre classification, specifically on the ‘Adventure’ genre. What do people mean when they call something an Adventure movie? Just, like, Indiana Jones stuff? We talk about the hallmarks of the genre (or subgenre, or semi-genre), acknowledge the excellence of Charlie Hunnam’s agent, examine the the larger, more established genres Adventure pairs well with, from Historical Epic to Space Opera, debate the pronunciation of ‘Cary Elwes’, and spend a surprising amount of time reflecting on NBC’s 90s miniseries adaptation of The Odyssey, starring Armand Assante.

As always, you can find our back episodes on the Apple podcast app (or most podcast providers now), and if you like the show, please rate and review it, as that increases its visibility online. And of course, let us know what you think an Adventure movie needs on the message board.


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