‘The Creepshow Halloween Special’ Will Feature One of Stephen King’s Best Stories

ArticlesBrandon MarcusComment

We all just kind of assumed we wouldn’t be getting many scary movies or TV shows this year because, well, we don’t really need horror given the world we are living in.

But, surprise, Shudder is here to give you a little boost of spooky when we need it most.

Today the horror-themed streaming service announced The Creepshow Halloween Special, an animated event that will feature two adaptations from The King Family: Stephen and his son Joe Hill. Exciting, huh? Better yet, the special will premiere soon on October 26th. You don’t have long to wait.

Shudder says that Kiefer Sutherland will star in the adaptation of Survivor Type. Survivor Type, found in King’s classic short story collection, Skeleton Crew, is one of King’s best short stories. It features an educated, talented drug runner who happens to find himself stranded on a desert island with a shit-ton of heroin and very few choices. It’s gritty, nasty, raw. It’s a mean and brutal little story and truly one of King’s more impressive works. I can’t wait to see just how far Shudder is willing to go with the adaptation. Survivor Type is adapted by the special’s director and horror icon, Greg Nicotero

The other story will be Twittering from the Circus of the Dead. I don’t know much about the source material here but it’ll feature Joey King (no relation, of course) as a young woman whose family road trip becomes horrific and dark. Circus of the Dead is adapted by Melanie Dale.

I like the idea for this Shudder special because 1) I am particularly fond of that King story and 2) I love scary movies and shows, especially around Halloween and finally 3) I think it’s great that the special will feature work from King and his son, there is something sweet about that. I hope The Creepshow Halloween Special is a huge hit and only inspires more specials like it, hopefully featuring other throwback Stephen King stories. His collections Skeleton Crew and Night Shift are packed with great short stories that would make terrific adaptations, animated or not.

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