A New ‘Lethal Weapon’ Is Somehow Still Possible

ArticlesBrandon MarcusComment

We live in complicated times. And although things change often and views can get distorted, one thing is abundantly clear: the policing in America needs a complete, major overhaul. And part of that means that we need to take an honest and brutal look at cops and how we view them in media.

I thought most people were on board with that so it’s a little odd to hear Danny Glover talk about a new Lethal Weapon film. Why? Firstly, because the Lethal Weapon series, as fun as it is, definitely puts cops in a positive light, they’re always the good guys just trying to do the right thing and they’ll stop at nothing — nothing! — to protect and serve.

Secondly, the Lethal Weapon films we co-led by Mel Gibson who is an absolute scumbag racist who definitely wouldn’t give a damn about police brutality and systemic racism because he has made his views on minorities abundantly clear over the years. So, again, it’s bizarre to think that a new Lethal Weapon movie is possible at this time in this climate.

But Danny Glover, God bless him, says it’s possible. What’s more, he suggests that the new Weapon movie could actually be woke. I’m not holding my breath.

Here’s what Glover said to Variety regarding a new Lethal Weapon. Strap in because it’s a lengthy quote:

“I don’t want to give away the plot on the script that I read, but I found the plot had very strong relevance to some of things that are happening today. I can say that. But that was in January. History changes so fast. But yes, there’s been talk about it. I can only tell you, if it does happen, there is something extraordinary in it. If Lethal Weapon gives us some sort of contribution to understanding a little bit more. It would be interesting to do. It would be interesting to see how we take this within the political framework we are in; the economic framework that we are in. And especially that framework as opposed to the communities that have been affected by the kind of police violence, the kind of police standards, and the power that they exert as well. And what would be interesting from that vantage point is what that attempt could be like at this particular moment.”

Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t see a Lethal Weapon sequel as the movie to give us “some sort of contribution to understanding.” Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed the first couple Weapons but I can’t imagine this proposed film to be something that brings us together. Especially with Gibson still being involved.

I don’t think we should do away with cop movies but I also don’t think now is the time for a new Lethal Weapon film. But maybe Glover is right and the new script features something special that could inform and help audiences during this time of change. I’m just not counting on it.

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