It’s Time to Once Again Play “Release Date Shuffle”

Articles, Real LifeBrandon MarcusComment

Look, I get just as tired writing these things are you do reading them. I feel like a broken record but, these days, that’s a common feeling.

Due to a recent surge in cases of COVID-19, Warner Bros has delayed Christopher Nolan’s highly-anticipated Tenet from July 31 to August 12. That move was a huge blow to the industry, which was really betting a lot on Tenet. Tenet is supposed to be the great revival, the movie that brings people back to theaters in a major way. A lot is riding on the movie. No pressure, Christopher Nolan.

Now that Tenet has moved (hopefully for the last time), other studios have followed the lead. Disney delayed Mulan from July 24 to August 21. On he heels of that news, Solstice Studios delayed their Unhinged starring Russell Crowe from July 10 to the 31st. Solstice was trying to beat Tenet to theaters, hoping to drum up business by being the first major release back in theaters. However, their tentative July 31st date is very, very optimistic.

Bill and Ted Face the Music was scheduled to hit theaters on August 14 but that has been pushed to August 28. That’s the same day that The New Mutants will supposedly debut as well but we all know that The New Mutants is just some sort of sociology experiment and the movie will never actually be released in theaters. So don’t hold your breath.

Basically the last few days have seen everything we were looking forward to shoved back by a few more weeks. And while that isn’t horrible news on the surface, no one in their right mind is expecting these dates to stick. As the coronavirus numbers continue to skyrocket, you can assume these dates will change again. And again. And again. Will we really see Tenet on August 12? Will Bill and Ted Face the Music really hit on August 28? I really don’t think so anymore.

Wear a damn mask, people.

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