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Disney’s New ‘Pirates’ May Set Sail With Karen Gillan

It feels like it’s been years since Disney released a Pirates of the Caribbean film. And that’s because it has been years, the last movie came out in 2017 so we have gone three blissful years without Captain Jack Sparrow on our screens.

Disney is giving the franchise a break before the inevitable reboot. The movies weren’t garnering any critical acclaim, had grown stale and Johnny Depp’s legal troubles were giving Disney a headache. So they just decided to put the whole thing on ice. But a franchise as profitable as Pirates doesn’t stay frozen for long. And Disney is looking ahead to what’s next

According to TheDisInsider, Disney is is eyeing Karen Gillan as the possible lead for the new Pirates films. The actress has been making quite a name for herself lately with her turns in The Avengers and the Jumanji films, she is becoming one hell of a bad ass. It’s about time she gets a series of her own. Leading the new Pirates reboot would be a huge opportunity for Gillan, one that could skyrocket her into the stratosphere.

Things are moving slowly with the new Pirates movie but a few things are certain: it is happening and it will be a big-budgeted adventure like the films before it. This is not planned as a Disney+ spin-off.

There are still rumors about Depp’s involvement with whatever reboot lays ahead but TheDisInsider squashes those, saying it’s very unlikely he returns. That is definitely for the best because he became one of the weakest parts of the series. Don’t get me wrong, Depp did a great job with the part but the filmmakers just gave us too much of him, it was literally too much of a good thing. The films also suffered from various other problems too, of course. It wasn’t just the fault of Jack Sparrow. But with a fresh reboot, one hopes that a lot of those problems will be solved. Besides, Depp is just…gross now. Hard pass.

If Gillan is indeed cast in the movie, you can bet many Disney fans will assume she is playing Redd, a female pirate character from the Disney parks. Why would Gillan be playing Redd? Well, because her hair of course. You see, it’s red…like Redd’s. These movies just write themselves, don’t they?