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Sly Stallone Is Getting Our Hopes Up About ‘Demolition Man’ Sequel

Sylvester Stallone is staying at home like the rest of the world and, like the rest of the world, is spending far too much time on the internet. 

But since Stallone is a celebrity, he uses his time on the internet answering questions from fans. Like many other performers and filmmakers, Stallone uses his Instagram account to interact with his followers and give them updates on upcoming projects. Or to just show off how fancy his house is and make us all feel bad. Same difference. 

Stallone was recently asked about a sequel to the 1993 sci-fi action film Demolition Man and this is what he had to say about it:

“I think there is coming… we’re working on it right now with Warner Bros. and it’s looking fantastic, so that should come out… that’s going to happen.

Well, color me surprised. This is the first I have heard about Demolition Man 2 and, trust me, the news is very pertinent to my interests. The original Demolition Man is a 90s gem. It features everything you want in an action film: witty one-liners, a quotable main villain, Stallone beating the tar out of people and it even has Denis Leary in it for some reason. Oh, and Taco Bell. Lots and lots of Taco Bell.

The movie was about a cop and a murderous terrorist who were both frozen in time and awakened in 2032 Los Angeles (excuse me, that’s San Angeles). Wesley Snipes played the main baddie, Simon Phoenix. He was really firing on all cylinders during Demolition Man, he was just out there and the performance was terrific. Sandra Bullock also gave a great turn as Stallone’s partner. She was charming, funny and as lovely as always. 

And because this was the 90s, Rob Schneider was also in the movie.

The picture did well back in ‘93, bringing in $160 million worldwide on an approximately $45 million budget. So it is actually surprising that we have never heard about a sequel until now. Then again, Demolition Man was one of those movies that was so 90s that the idea of creating a follow-up even in the year 2000 just felt bizarre and out of place. Also, everyone involved got busy with other movies, becoming America’s sweetheart or going to prison for tax evasion. Busy people!

Will Demolition Man 2 actually happen? I am not sure. This could definitely be a case of a celebrity just talking off the cuff and speaking about something proposed but not set in stone. Maybe Stallone has had conversations about Demolition Man 2, maybe a spec script has been written, maybe a few people have even been talked to. But I don’t think they are very far along in the production process so I won’t hold my breath until I hear and see something solid. But I am hopeful!