'The New Mutants' Receives Its Fifteenth Release Date

Articles, Pop CultureJohn BernhardComment
The stars of The New Mutants, as they appeared eight years ago

The stars of The New Mutants, as they appeared eight years ago

Remember the end of Cool Runnings, where the bobsled breaks down and they have to carry it across the finish line by hand, while everyone cheers for them for just having so much heart? That’s where The New Mutants finds itself now. After years of failed attempts, the (latest) official release date is August 28th, 2020, in theaters, no less. I’m frankly surprised it’s this year, given their luck.

The film of course shot in 2017, back around when Arya was learning to become a faceless man in Bravos, for an April 2018 release. Then they wanted to reshoot major sections of it, then Disney bought out Fox, including the X-Men, then they decided not to reshoot it, then it was finally scheduled to come out last month, then the virus, etc. So, we’ll see if New Mutants will finally get seen by an audience, or if this is simply Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown, once more.

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