The Final ‘Black Widow’ Trailer Is Much, Much Better Than The First

Articles, Pop CultureBrandon MarcusComment

While we have always been rooting for Black Widow, the first female-centric Marvel film, we haven’t always had a lot of faith in it. The first trailer for the film, released months ago, didn’t inspire much confidence. It gave a glimpse of a film that felt a bit generic, lacking in personality and bland. It wasn’t very promising, especially since fans have been demanding this movie for years.

Now we have a final trailer for the movie and, dang it, it’s good! It shows that Black Widow will have some slick action, strong character work and a plot we can get behind. This latest preview shows a lot more of Taskmaster, the dreaded villain, and it also reveals more of the plot. We also are treated to more interaction between Natasha and her quirky, lovable Russian family. This is the trailer we should have seen in the beginning. I’m delighted that Marvel righted their wrongs. Watch the trailer below and breath a sigh of relief at the improvement.

Black Widow is the first film of the fourth phase of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe (phew, that was a mouthful). That means it is the first film in a post-Endgame world. It’s kind of ironic that it’s a prequel but, you know, whatever. Regardless, Marvel has a lot riding on the movie. If it fails, it’ll be a rare misstep for the massive studio and people will start to talk about superhero fatigue and how no one wants Marvel after The Avengers and a whole bunch of other stuff. And if it succeeds then people will praise Marvel and their ability to turn everything into gold. So make no mistake: Marvel is going to push this film hard when its May 1st release date gets closer. It seems that this solid final trailer is the first step in that promotional push. And it’s a good first step.

Oh, Black Widow also got an excellent poster too. This thing is fantastic.

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