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Now Some Good News: China’s Movie Theaters Begin To Reopen

While all of America (and most of the world) is in a literal lockdown, there are parts of Earth that are slowly, slowly coming back to life.

China, the country hit hardest by the awful COVID-19 pandemic, is starting its long, long road to recovery and normalcy. The country has been reporting few-to-no new infections which is a huge turnaround from the chaotic and seemingly non-stop flood of cases that overwhelmed the country only weeks ago. So now that things seem to be on the right path (someone knock on wood for me) China is attempting to become its former self and part of that involves movie theaters.

Variety reports that more than 500 cinema screens have reopened in China. 486 theaters were open on Friday and Monday saw 507 theaters ready for patrons. That’s a far cry from all of China’s total theater count (it’s less than 5% of all the country’s cinemas) but it’s a positive step in the right direction and a message to other countries: we will get over this and society will wake from this awful dream.

Chinese residents are being slow to return though. Nationwide ticket sales totalled less than $2,000 which obviously isn’t ideal. But you have to remember that many people are still very scared, still very cautious and rightfully paranoid. It will take time — a rather long time, I’d bet — before you’re seeing sold-out shows in China. Or anywhere.

To entice viewers, Chinese theaters are showing re-runs of popular movies as well as new releases. Also, China Film Group, the country’s biggest distributor, said that exhibitors will keep all the income from new showings which is going to be very helpful to the devastated industry. So when people do go to theaters, they’ll be putting money back into them. That’s a very necessary move. 

I think American theaters and studios need to take note of China’s approach and keep it in mind when our theaters open in (hopefully) a few months. Let’s use the re-openings as a time to really celebrate cinema and the movie-going experience. Yes, people will want to see Black WidowA Quiet Place Part II and other delayed films but let’s also pack theaters with classics too: Disney should re-release all the original Star Wars films (original cuts, please!) They should also release old Disney classics like Aladdin, The Lion King and Snow White. How great would it be to see Lord of the Rings back on the big screen? Maybe James Cameron can petition to have Titanic re-released. There needs to be a full-court press from studios, filmmakers and exhibitors to draw American audiences back in when the time comes. And all the money made should go right back into the theaters, at least for a month. It’ll help theaters heal and it’ll help citizens heal. 

The pandemic can’t go on forever and when it does end, it can be an opportunity to re-watch some classic films and help a vital industry that needs us.