More Images From Spielberg’s ‘West Side Story’ Are Always A Good Thing, Right?

Articles, Pop CultureBrandon MarcusComment

I wasn’t too excited when I first heard that Steven Spielberg was directing a remake of West Side Story. Why? It’s not that I dislike the musical, it’s an undeniable classic. But I always feel that Spielberg should be working on something brand new and completely his. I don’t want him to be rehashing tales that have already been told.

But I didn’t really consider what West Side Story means to the master filmmaker. In a new piece for Vanity Fair, the legendary director talks about his upcoming West Side Story and also touches upon how important and vital the musical is to him. It’s one of the things that got him into storytelling in the first place so I can’t really blame him for wanting to attempt this remake.

Along with quotes from Spielberg about the story, the message and casting are some new photos. Quite a few of them actually! The best two would be the ones immediately below, featuring Ansel Elgort and Rachel Zegler as star-crossed lovers Tony and Maria. I love that shot of Zegler, the lighting is spectacular and cinematic. I know it’s just a photo but it feels very Spielberg to me. And Elgort looks like a classic leading man, doesn’t he?

Many of these images give off strong Spielberg vibes. The last image below, once again featuring Elgort and Zegler, looks like something out of one of his movies from the 80s honestly. And it’s great to see Rita Moreno in these shots too. She’s returning to West Side Story but obviously isn’t playing the part of Anita, which won her an Oscar back in the 60s. I won’t spoil who she is playing but you can read the Vanity Fair piece for more information.

All of these images are finally getting me excited for West Side Story. I have really come around on the project and think this will be something straight from Spielberg’s heart. He’s at the point in his career and life where he is only choosing projects that really call to him. Even something only so-so like Ready Player One was obviously a movie that spoke to him on a deep level. West Side Story seems to be a movie he’s always wanted to make and maybe was made to direct. Perhaps it’s like Jackson directing King Kong or Del Toro taking on H.P. Lovecraft; maybe it’s just meant to be.

I’m ready to see how it all turns out.

West Side Story will hit theaters this December.

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