This Isn’t News: Don’t Make ‘Indiana Jones 5’ Without Spielberg

Articles, Pop CultureBrandon MarcusComment

Look, I don’t have to tell you this: Indiana Jones 5 is now officially a bad idea.

We learned yesterday that Steven Spielberg is planning to not direct the upcoming Indy feature and is likely handing over controls to Ford V Ferrari director James Mangold. Mangold is a wonderful director and has a career that anyone would be proud of. But he isn’t right for Indiana Jones 5. Why? Because no director is right for Indiana Jones 5. No director aside from Steven Allan Spielberg. Without Spielberg behind the camera this whole project just feels unnecessary, forced and ridiculous. Let’s shut it down. Let’s cancel the whole thing. Let’s just call it a day on Indiana Jones. No Spielberg, No Indy. It should be so simple.

Why should they call it off now that Spielberg is stepping down? Because his involvement was truly the major reason anyone wanted this film. We all love Harrison Ford but, let’s be honest, he’s not the main draw here. The main draw is Spielberg directing an action-adventure again. No one does it like him. Even Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was well-directed, despite any other shortcomings it had (and, ho boy, it had a few). There is still so much magic in Spielberg’s touch. Indiana Jones is a fantastic character and Harrison Ford plays him deftly but Spielberg has long been the true star of these films.


And even with his involvement there were many that thought Indy 5 was a bad idea. Why? Because the franchise is so beloved and it has started to stale some. I don’t think Crystal Skull is as bad as some say. It’s not great, not by a long shot. But I also don’t feel it’s a disaster. It is a flawed but pretty fun time at the movies (and Spielberg directs the hell out of it). But we can admit that it isn’t on the same level as Raiders of the Lost Ark, Temple of Doom or The Last Crusade. And when a film series starts to sour, it’s time to pull the plug. As well, we all know that Harrison Ford is no spring chicken. Yes, he can still beat the tar out of any of us and probably wouldn’t break a sweat doing so but the man is getting up there in age. So why are we forcing him to bust his ass for a series that is giving us diminishing returns? Why are we forcing Ford or Spielberg or Lucas (if he so chose) to be involved in something that isn’t as good as it once was? It seems silly to me. It feels like a typical Hollywood move and Indy deserves better than that.

Maybe Spielberg knew that. Maybe he feels like we do about Indiana Jones: he loves the movies, he cherishes the character and his heart will always hold a special spot for America’s toughest tenured professor. But maybe it’s time to move on, maybe it’s time to let Indy rest. He’s been doing this for decades, for God’s sake.

I don’t care if Paul Thomas Anderson, Guillermo del Toro or the ghost of John Ford was directing this, Indiana Jones 5 just shouldn’t exist if Steven Spielberg isn’t making it. I would say this if Harrison Ford was bowing out too but it’s doubly true for Spielberg. I truly don’t think they should make another Indy without Harrison Ford but losing him wouldn’t sting as much as losing Spielberg. Steven Spielberg has always been the heart and soul of the movies and him stepping down is a sign from God above that this series, as it is, should conclude here and now. If Disney wants to reboot the franchise with a new director and new star and new talent then, you know what, God bless ‘em and good luck. But the series as we know it should end. It had a good run. A run better than most film series. But if Steven Spielberg is exiting then he should just turn off the lights and shut the door behind him.

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