Baby Yoda Merchandise Is Coming To Warm Your Heart And Empty Your Wallet

Articles, Pop CultureBrandon MarcusComment

You know, I’m really torn on Baby Yoda. On one hand, it seems that everyone is still talking about the little bugger. You can’t go five seconds without seeing him somewhere on the internet, babbling about his chicken nuggets and love for his friend, The Mandalorian. Yes, it’s a bit much. On the other hand, he’s still ridiculously cute so I guess I can’t get too upset at the dude. He’s just so precious! Yes, that’s odd for me to say about a character who is technically a good 20 years older than me but, hey, it is what it is. Baby Yoda is everywhere yet Baby Yoda hasn’t overstayed his welcome — yet.

And there is a lot more Baby Yoda on the way because we live in a capitalist society and every popular thing is another chance for some corporation to make a buck. Them’s the breaks, folks. This time it’s Hasbro who will be raking in the cash in the months ahead because they’ve got a slew of Baby Yoda merchandise on the way.

The most impressive and anticipated item from Hasbro is the fully-animated robotic Baby Yoda who is due this fall. He coos, he giggles, he moves his adorable ears. This is about as close to the real thing as you’re going to get and you can bet it’s going to fly off the shelves. Here, take a look at the promo for the doll and tell me you don’t at least sorta, kinda want it.

Try as you might but you can’t resist the charm of a life-like Baby Yoda. He even does the little hand thing! Too damn cute. Apparently it’s only going to cost $60 which is actually quite reasonable since most people would likely pay double that. Of course this will be released before Christmas and will be a hot, hot seller so there is a good chance that many people will pay more than that because they’ll be desperately purchasing the item off of eBay or Facebook. So let’s just say $60 is the starting price because, once again, capitalism.

But that’s not all! Hasbro has other Baby Yoda goodies up their sleeves, as showcased by this clip from Good Morning America.

Ahhhh, can’t you just hear the cash registers ringing now? The beauty of this Baby Yoda merchandise is that it doesn’t just appeal to kids. Yes, little tots will be begging their folks for the animatronic toy and the Baby Yoda Build-A-Bear and the Baby Yoda Operation and Trouble board games (Yes, those are both real) but grown-ass adults will want all of this too. That’s the thing about Baby Yoda, he is loved by all generations and all types of people. Hell, it doesn’t even matter if you’re a Star Wars fans — you’ll still love Baby Yoda. He unites us all and, because of that, Hasbro is going to be rewarded handsomely for their efforts. Well done, Hasbro. Well done.

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