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Frame Work: So, What Did We Think About Season 2 of The Mandalorian?

We talked about it briefly in last week’s Fargo episode, and now here’s an episode entirely devoted to this latest season of the apparent center of the Star Wars Universe, The Mandalorian. Joining Al and myself, all the way from New Zealand and armed with in depth Clone Wars details, is Ben Hansen, or as he’s known around these parts, Bucho! Some of us were big fans of this years Mando-ventures, and others, less so. And as you might expect, it’s impossible to not spend some time on the daunting mountain of new Star Wars TV shows barreling towards us all.

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The Mandalorian Season 2

Next week will be the final episode of our QT Question series, and then in the New Year, we reinvent again! And remember, you can find out back episodes for download on the Apple Podcast App or on most other services. If you’re feeling extra generous, why not rate and review the show, as it increases its visibility! Or so I’m led to understand!