‘Uncharted’ is Actually Happening: First Photo of Tom Holland as Nathan Drake Arrives

ArticlesBrandon MarcusComment

Well, it’s time for me to eat crow.

The Uncharted big screen adaptation has gone through so much shit with its revolving door of directors that there was a time when I didn’t think the movie would ever get made. In fact, I would’ve put money on the fact that Uncharted would forever be stuck in development hell.

But, nope, the movie is officially happening and is actually in production right now. We know that because star Tom Holland posted a picture on his Instagram of himself in costume as the lead character, Nathan Drake. While Holland wasn’t the first choice for many, fans of the video games have to agree that the once-and-future Spider-Man definitely looks the part. Take a look:

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It’s nice to meet you, I’m Nate. #uncharted

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For comparison, here is an image of Drake from the video game source material:


Pretty good, Holland. You’re definitely pulling the look off fabulously.

Uncharted promises to be a real action-packed treat if it delivers on the premise of the video games that came before it. It’ll surely have Holland zipping all over the globe searching high and low for treasures and going toe-to-toe with bad guys. He won’t be alone: Mark Wahlberg, Antonio Banderas and Sophia Ali will be along for the ride. The movie, which finally has a director (Ruben Fleischer), is set to hit theaters on July 16, 2021.

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