I’m Confused: Jamie Foxx Will Once Again Play Electro in Next ‘Spider-Man’

ArticlesBrandon MarcusComment

What the hell is going on here?

THR says that Jamie Foxx will reprise the role of the villainous Electro in the next Tom Holland-led Spider-Man film for Marvel Studios. To that I say “…wait, what?”

Foxx playing Electro again is confusing for a few reasons. The biggest is that, well, no one really liked The Amazing Spider-Man 2, the film Foxx co-starred in. The movie was so bad that it caused Sony to trash Andrew Garfield’s Spidey series and finally partner up with Marvel. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is an absolute shit show of a movie and the less it’s spoken of, the better.

The second reason this news is bewildering is because Foxx’s Electro existed in a different cinematic universe, one that had Garfield as Peter Parker, Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy, Sally Field as Aunt May and the list goes on. How does a character from that cinematic universe make his way over to this cinematic universe, featuring Tom Holland, Zendaya, Marisa Tomei and others? Now, J.K. Simmons made a brief appearance as J. Jonah Jameson in Spider-Man: Far From Home so perhaps Marvel is becoming more comfortable with bringing back actors from previous film series, continuity be damned. Or maybe they’re starting to go the DC route and are toying around with multiple parallel universes? Hell, that would be some twist if Marvel started taking its notes from DC Films.

I literally never thought I’d see Jamie Foxx’s Electro ever again. I went to bed every night thanking my lucky stars that everything about The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was in the past, dead as disco. Now, thanks to Marvel, my worst nightmare is once again becoming a reality.

Spider-Man 3 (or whatever it’ll be called) is set to start filming his Fall.

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