Surprising No One, Michael Bay’s ‘Black 5’ Will Be “High on Action”

Articles, Pop CultureBrandon MarcusComment

Michael Bay is back to assault your senses.

The director of Transformers, The Rock, Bad Boys and a ton of other loud movies is planning his next film with Sony. Black 5 is the name of the project and Bay will begin working on it after he wraps up Six Underground for Netflix. Production is likely to begin at the start of 2020.

No word on what Black 5 will be about though Variety notes that it’ll be “high on action.” To that, I say “duh.” What Michael Bay movie wasn’t high on action? Sources also say that the project will be developed as a video game as well which makes perfect sense because so much of Bay’s work has influenced or been influenced by that medium.

Like I said, the plot to Black 5 is being kept under wraps but Bay came up with it himself. My guess? Black 5 is the name of a secretive, violent team of super soldiers or something. That would make a stellar video game and definitely sounds like something in Bay’s wheelhouse.

While Bay is a divisive director it seems that most people really enjoy his loud, boisterous form of action movies. His films are about as shallow as a kiddie pool but he certainly delivers when it comes to big blow-em-ups. I personally need more than just that, especially after the diminishing returns of his Transformers series. Explosive action can only get you so far in my book. That being said, The Rock and some of his earlier work holds up. His most recent films seem stale to me but maybe Black 5 will have him return to prime form…

OPTIMUS prime form!

Sorry, I had to.

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