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HBO's 'Watchmen' Looks Like Something Completely Different

What we have above is the first official trailer for Damon Lindelof’s Watchmen TV series for HBO. If you’re one of the millions of people who read Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon’s classic graphic novel then you’ll want to watch the trailer ASAP. If you’re one of the millions of people who read Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon’s classic graphic novel then you’ll be left feeling confused and excited.

You’ll be confused because this show looks NOTHING like the graphic novel it’s based on, nor the movie adaptation from Zack Snyder. It certainly feels Watchmen-adjacent but is obviously radically different from the source material. Lindelof has seemingly taken the idea behind Watchmen and has expanded and transformed it into something much, much more. I know many people give Lindelof a hard time because of Lost but he seems to be back on his game again and I’m all about him getting wild and weird with this show.

You’ll be excited because this looks damn good. It carries a weight and tension and dread that feels downright apocalyptic. That’s no surprise since the show’s plot seems to involve the end of the world. You’ll also feel excitement because this is coming to us from HBO. HBO does TV well. It doesn’t take this lightly. This show is going to have a crackerjack team of writers, directors and performers. You might feel some hesitation if you’re a huge fan of the comic but just remember that this is HBO we are talking about, that should calm any nerves.

Watchmen will hit TV screens this fall. I’m personally all about the radical changes Lindelof has made. Alan Moore, on the other hand, will be pissed.