Zack Snyder Once Again Teases His Version of ‘Justice League’

Articles, Pop CultureBrandon MarcusComment

You know what, at this point I say Warner Bros really should just release the damn Snyder Cut version of Justice League. I know it’ll cost millions of dollars and will once again draw attention to a box office bomb rather than the future of the DC Cinematic Universe. I know it’s a non-profitable and thankless idea but it’s honestly the only way to get Snyder fanboys to stop yapping about the proposed alternate cut of the film.

It’s also apparently the only way to get Snyder himself to pipe down about it. The filmmaker took to social media again this week to post behind-the-scenes pictures of the film that could’ve been. He posted a few pictures of Bruce Wayne, Cyborg, Superman and more — all images we didn’t see in the released version of Justice League. Fans of the director celebrated the new glimpses of Snyder’s movie, thinking that perhaps this is another sign that someday, somehow they will see the film that Snyder envisioned. The director was initially hesitant to talk about his director’s cut of the film but over the last few months he has full-on endorsed the idea of WB releasing his version of the movie.

Of course, it’s unlikely that Warner Bros really would do that. It’s not like they’re just sitting on a finished edit of the movie. Everyone needs to remember that The Snyder Cut is an incomplete project. Yes, Snyder does have some footage that never made it to the final movie but there is a lot he never shot, a lot that never made it past storyboards and half-filmed sequences. So the Snyder Cut, if released, would be a mix of existing footage from the final product with unfinished pieces edited in and preliminary special effects. There are a lot of missing pieces here. So it’s not that WB has a completed movie that they’re refusing to release. No, they have some pieces of a completed movie and a lot of ideas from Snyder but a lot of missing bits.

Still, I’m on board now. Just release it all. Release it with the unfinished moments, shoddy SFX and all. Just push the thing out on HBO Max when it debuts and let it be what it is. My curiosity has finally gotten the better of me with the Snyder Cut. I doubt it’ll make Justice League a fantastic film, I doubt it’s as radically different as some propose. But I want to see what Snyder is so hyped up about. I will admit that I like most of his films and that it feels like something went horribly wrong with Justice League (and Batman V Superman for that matter) and the movie we got is obviously far, far from what Snyder intended. So let’s get a better look at what that visions was, even if it’s a long ways from done. Again, I doubt Snyder’s cut of the movie will right all the wrongs but it has to be at least a bit better than the final product, right? Right?!

You can see more of Snyder’s social media posts and pictures from the Snyder Cut over at CinemaBlend. What do you think, is it time for WB to throw in the towel and get to work on releasing this unfinished project?


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