Some Guy Named Barack Obama Might Make a Show for Netflix

Articles, Pop CultureBrandon MarcusComment

The Great Streaming Wars have attracted talent from iconic comedians, A-list movie stars and bearded talk show legends. But former presidents? Damn, things are really heating up.

It has been reported that Barack Obama is in negotiations to produce a new series for Netflix. The deal, which isn't final, would find President Obama an former First Lady Michelle Obama creating content for the streaming behemoth, most likely centered around true life inspirational stories. So don't expect the episodes to feature Obama dunking on Donald Trump. No, he'll probably step back and let influential leaders and young people tell their stories instead. That's okay, we will will always have the memory of past White House Correspondents' Dinners whenever we want to see Barack cut loose.

Make no mistake, this is a big deal. It's just another example of new media completely altering the way we watch TV. Though Netflix seems to be the clear front-runner for Obama's show, source say both Apple and Amazon would also be interested in speaking with Mr. Obama. Notice who isn't mentioned at all? Any traditional cable network. No, they aren't even on Obama's radar. That's the thing: these sort of blockbuster deals no longer involve NBC, ABC, CBS or even heavier hitters like HBO or FX. The streaming services, especially Netflix, are the networks with the power, prestige and the buzz to bring in these big names. The times, they are a-changin'.

Barack Obama is a young man compared to other ex-presidents, he's still got a lot of gas in the tank. While nothing would make us happier than to see him hosting his own late night show where he could take his successor to task, a show featuring him hosting inspirational stories could be the sort of TV tonic this country needs. It would certainly continue the inevitable shake-up of the television landscape that is throwing out the old and bringing in the new. 

For some bittersweet hilarity, check out Obama tearing into Donald Trump back in 2009. Ah, we were so young and naive then.



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