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Video Nasty List: The Beyond

Continuing our run down of the Video Nasty list, I bring you Lucio Fucli's The Beyond. For the uninformed, the Video Nasty list was a list of movies that were either banned or heavily cut in order to meet the "moral" standards of the United Kingdom. Google it if you feel so inclined. It's a great example of censorship gone mad.

The Gory Details

I would have to say that The Beyond is arguably one of the best Lucio Fulci movies ever made. For those who are not familiar with the film, it follows the story of a young woman named Liza (Catriona  MacColl) who inherits an old hotel in Louisianna called the Seven Doors Hotel. Wouldn't you know it, it is also an opening point to the gates of hell. Back in the 1920s, an artist was killed by a lynch mob who thought he was a  warlock. Naturally, when it comes to renovating the old hotel, they accidentally open one of the gates, letting loose the undead and some nasty spirits to boot. With the aid of Dr. John McCabe (David Warbeck) and the blind woman named Emily (Cinzia Monreale), they attempt to close the gates before their souls are lost forever.

All Over the Map - In A Good Way

Like any Italian horror movie, The Beyond makes a number of logical missteps in terms of the plot. Maybe something is lost in translation, but there are certain aspects of this film that don't make a huge load of sense. However, these inconsistencies can be easily ignored when you consider how beautifully shot this movie is. Say what you will about Fulci's story telling, but you cannot deny the fact that he knows how to shoot a film. Every shot looks marvelous, and even though some of the special effects have not aged very well, they still fit with the eerie feel of the film. The imagery in the movie is absolutely stunning and more than makes up for some of the holes in the plot. Also, it's an Italian horror movie, are you really going to pick apart the plot? 

Eye Gouging Good Fun

When it comes to special effects, The Beyond is Fulci's most ambitious film. If you know Fulci, you know that his horror films try to push the boundaries of practical effects, and good taste. You can always count on Fulci giving you a shot of an eye being gouged out, and this movie doesn't disappoint. There are three, count 'em three, eyeball scenes and each one is unique in its own way. Just when you figure they can't do anything new with the eye gag, Fulci proves you wrong. So if that's your sort of thing, get ready for it.  

However, that's not all! This movie is chocked full of bloody headshots, including a very cathartic one if you have a hate on for Pippi Longstockings. If that's not enough for you there are faces melted by acid, crucifixions, and so much more. The most out-there deaths in the film include a seeing eye dog attacking its master and one involving spiders. Lots and lots of hungry spiders.

The itsy-bitsy spider....

So if you don't have a weak stomach, totally watch The Beyond, it is an eerie but fun movie. 

Nasty Raiting: 7.5 Gouged Eyeballs out of 10