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Tarantino Tinkers with the Thought of 'Trek'

Quentin Tarantino. Star Trek. Those words alone get geek tongues wagging. It's the stuff of movie fandom dreams, isn't it?

But it's a dream that may become a reality. Deadline is reporting that Tarantino has come up with a crackerjack idea for a new Star Trek film and has relayed his story to producer J.J. Abrams. Abrams, knowing a great thing when he sees it, is on board. The plan is to now create a writers room to turn Tarantino's idea into a script. Abrams would of course produce and Tarantino might - might - direct. Quentin Tarantino directing a Star Trek film? Your jaw has dropped, huh?

Tarantino is, of course, currently putting together his kinda, sorta Charles Manson film that has garnered so much buzz. That movie, which is based on the Los Angeles crime scene of the late 1960s, won't be released until 2019. It seems unlikely that he could squeeze in an entire Trek movie in before that so does that mean Captain Kirk's next adventure won't be until at least 2020? That's a long time away but it would be worth it for a Tarantino-helmed Trek.

This is exciting but is it really that surprising? The Pulp Fiction auteur has long toyed with the idea of taking on a big franchise film but it's never come together. The man is extremely picky about his projects so the fact that he's so into his Trek idea that he might take it on is a big deal. He must be really infatuated with whatever he's got brewing. Well so am I and I haven't heard the damn thing.

Seriously, think about it for a minute: Kirk, Bones, Uhura, Spock and the gang spouting Tarantino dialogue directed by the man himself. Even if it never comes to pass, the very idea that it could happen is proof that 2017 isn't that bad.